Tuesday, June 27, 2006

To Stop Would Be The Death Of Me

Go on I must....

Please everyone appreciate the sweet VACO quote, because it's literal. If we stop in the middle of the freakin desert out here, we'll die haha.

Okay. Well, it's Alex writing to let everyone know whats up. Last you heard, we were in Delta, Colorado. We have since come about another 300 or 400 miles and are at the sweet library here in Salina, Utah. That day from Delta, we headed to Grand Junction, Colorado which was a surprisingly cool and interesting city. It had an awesome downtown area where we enjoyed a pizza and met a bicycle-taxi driver who sympathized with our pulling weight behind us. Then, we were trying to find a place to stay in an Episcopal church and met a really nice man named Phillip who let us stay at his house there in Grand Junction. He let us shower and sleep on his porch which was surprisingly comfortable. We biked out of GJ the next day and into the abyss of Utah. I guess we can let everyone know about our massive shortcut now that most of it is over... Instead of going south on tiny roads winding around for like 500 miles as our planned route did, we opted for the more dangerous, extremely short(er) Interstate 70 shortcut... It may be illegal, but it is oh so sweet to cut off 200 miles. And the way we saw it, it was either do this shortcut and Pete could finish the trip with me, or not do it and he wouldn't be able to finish. I think we made the right choice, because it hasn't been that bad. There's not too much along I-70 in Utah which equals not a lot of cars. Our only problems have been heat and lack of civilization/potable water and we've had some tire trouble of late, but all that is over with. We just finished a stretch of 110 miles with no services, no towns, nothing. From here, we're heading another 40 miles this afternoon into Holden, Utah and then into Nevada along US-50 (which has the nickname of "the loneliest road in America", so it'll be interesting to see how that goes. Our spirits are high at the moment and we're trying to enjoy our last 10 days of the adventure. We're on schedule to finish up in San Francisco on July 7th. Keep the comments coming and we love yall out there.
Keeping it real, from coast to coast,
Big Al (also speaking for Pete)

PS, Our beards are sweet


At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you guys are doing so well. It's looking like you will make it so keep up the hard work! I have seen you both with ?beards? so do us all a favor and lose them before you come home. Hope the rest of you trip is downhill. Every one at Ryan's says HI. Good luck and stay safe Dennis

At 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Guy,

I am proud of you for doing this trip (I also think you are crazy for doing this trip - I am still weighing out which is on top). Glad to know you all are oing to make all the way togather. I know you have many wonderful (and some not so wonderful) stories that I cant wait to hear. You all will be able to talke about this trip (and the AT trip) for the rest of your lives. I thought you would be able to share them with with your children/grand children, but traveling that far on those little seats (and the rashes!!!) might make that a little bit of problem in that department.
Anyway best of luck, and look forward to seeing you at Laurens wedding (I am flying up with your grand mother - be prepared - she will bend your ear about this "silly" trip).
BTW - I am in California right now taking a class and visiting with Amanda and Jack. SO I BEAT YOU HEAR.....


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